

What are the conditions for participation at GastroPan – exhibitors?

To indicate your intention to participate as an exhibitor, you can fill in the online form: HERE. Companies / suppliers who want to exhibit products, technologies, services and solutions for the bakery, confectionery, HoReCa, milling, chocolate, ice cream, pizza, etc. industries can send an e-mail to info@gastropan.ro to ask for the registration form. After filling in the registration form, which should be sent to info@gastropan.ro, companies receive a stand offer along with the plan of the exhibition halls. After choosing and accepting the exhibition stand, the organizers will send the contract for participation at the event. The exhibition booth is considered booked after signing the contract and the invoice with the registration fee is paid. The company / supplier has the right to participate at the event as an Exhibitor if he has fully paid the participation fee and complies with the terms of the contract as well as with the terms included in the exhibitor's guide (program of the exhibition). For more information contact the organizers: info@gastropan.ro, +40-733-313 043.